Saturday, 25 December 2010

Shoulder Muscle Tests and Stretches and Strengthening

- levator scapulae (elevates scapula)

stretch - in sitting hold chair with one hand and laterally rotate neck and pull neck into flexion with free hand on back of head

strengthen - shrugs

- rhomboids (retracts scapula)

stretch - doorway stretch

test - hand behind back in prone

strengthen - kneeling dumbells

serratus anterior (protracts scapula)

adducts and medially rotates (pecs , (lats cum teres major), )

medially rotates ( subscapularis )

laterally rotates ( infraspinatus cum teres minor)

abducts ( supraspinatus )

abducts, laterally, medially, flex, extend (deltoid)

abducts ( supraspinatus)